
3D Printed Tenor Ukulele

      Hi there. My names Jarod. Hope you're doing well this fine day.      This is a CAD Model for a 3D printable Tenor Ukulele. I've designed this in Fusion 360.      I've been playing ukulele for about 8 years now, on and off. The first year I attended a summer camp, one of the counselors had a ukulele that he would pull out and play. I knew what I wanted for my birthday after that. So on my 15th birthday I got to pick out a ukulele. I play a Concert sized Luna ukulele that has served my well for many years. I still play it to this day.      My love for 3D Printing and 3D CAD Design started in high school when a friend of mine from church showed me a ring he had made on a 3D Printer that was at his school. I went home and was able to get a download of AutoDesk Inverter on a student account and designed a ring and asked if he could print it for me. I sent him the file and when i got the ring back it was small enough to just barely fit on a no. 2 pencil. I had